Monday 30 January 2017

Redundancy advice for employers

Rules employers must follow when making staff redundant - consultations, notice periods, compulsory and non-compulsory redundancy and redundancy pay. Be prepared: What is redundancy? This may be due to an employer needing to .

This factsheet explains all aspects of the redundancy process for employers, including the redundancy consultation process and redundancy selection criteria. Making staff redundant – how to do it and stay on the right side of the. During the consultation perio employers should allow all. As an employer you may be forced to consider the possibility of redundancies either to reduce costs or to achieve an .

Redundancy advice for employers. An employment law expert explains the traps employers can fall into. There are four main ways in which making someone redundant can be unfair.

Free initial advice from specialist employment law solicitors. How easy is it for your employers to make you redundant? A redundancy occurs when an employer requires fewer people to carry . We have written this guide to help anyone dealing with or affected by redundancy.

It gives unbiased advice to employers, employees and their representatives. Question: I may unfortunately have to reduce my workforce in the coming months.

When you need advice or just someone to talk to, our HR consultants are . There is, of course, the need to keep up to date with redundancy legislation. This guide provides employers with some practical advice and information. An increasing number of employers are having to deal with staff redundancy.

If your employer has their own enhanced redundancy policy, however, you should be. It is always best to take advice if you are not sure. Being faced with the prospect of making employees redundant is both stressful and daunting. Advice to members in the event of redundancy. It can feel like the task ahead is mammoth and there . In the midst of government changes to redundancy terms for employers, here are my top tips for business owners who find themselves in the . For employers making redundancies, we provide expert advice in business restructuring.

Employerline specialises in giving free advice to employers on redundancy. Employers often get the redundancy process wrong, exposing themselves to. PHR Solicitors employment law team can help. It is important to follow the correct procedures relating to redundancy and the consultation process.

Veitch Penny can offer expert legal advice in this area. Post your requirements and choose from the specialists in your area. How do employers select people for redundancy?

Professional advice should be sought before any action is taken. Employers who propose to dismiss as redundant or more employees at one . Include advice and information on how the redundancy will be implemente . As such, it requires sensitive handling by the employer to .

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