Wednesday 17 October 2018

How to deal with redundancy

Unfortunately, being made redundant is sometimes unavoidable. These steps will help you to deal with redundancy. As some high-profile figures are told their services are no longer require experts explain how to cope with redundancy.

Men tend to cope less well with redundancy than women. Unemployment is expected to break the 3m barrier this year. It could get worse with Britain in the midst of a . Being made redundant is nothing to be ashamed of.

It happens to the best of employees. In fact, dealing with their anxieties can be as bad as dealing with your own. Totaljobs discusses the emotions you are likely to feel and give you advice on how best to handle . Redundancy can shake your world.

Losing your job can hit you hard on different levels. Get tips on coping with redundancy here. Dealing with redundancy could be one of the most difficult changes you encounter at work.

These are steps that will help you in dealing with . Here are ten simple things to do after losing your job.

During this economic climate more people are facing up to the prospect of redundancy. Budget cuts in the once-secure public sector mean. The good new is that, even though redundancy can be traumatic, . When you find out your job is under threat, the stress can be enormous. We look at how to keep your cool, . However, if you ever have to deal with the . The past few months have seen significant upheaval both across . This article offers advice from three recruitment experts about how to deal with redundancy.

Responding to the news in a . With redundancy and unemployment on the rise, we look at what you can do to soften the blow and survive financially should the worst happen. But unfortunately in this financial and economic climate, . The “credit crunch” is being felt across the country. In the City of London workers are facing unprecedented lay-offs as banks and other . The redundancy procedure can affect employee morale and the atmosphere of an.

This section aims to help in identifying and dealing with some of the many unwanted feelings redundancy may bring. How to deal with redundancy is an article that helps you understand that redundancy can be due to circumstances outside your control, and . If you have ever been in the unfortunate situation of being made redundant, you will know . Termination payments, final pay, redundancy pay and redundancy packages.

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